'Safety is always our first priority'
Lawlors are committed to providing a work environment that is safe and healthy for all employees and those affected by our activities. The health and safety of our employees and everyone else affected by our works is fundamental to the success of our business. At Lawlors, we believe there is no conflict between our requirement to keep our workforce and members of the public safe and our long term financial success. Nothing that we do is so important that it cannot be done safely.
Our policy is to create a safe working environment in which no one is harmed. We will achieve this by;
- Providing exemplary and inspirational leadership
- Identifying the hazards associated with our activities and either eliminating the risks or reducing the risk to As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP)
- Communicating and engaging with our workforce, our business partners, our supply chain and any other stakeholders to ensure everyone understands how to keep themselves and others safe and healthy
- Competent, experienced and fully trained workforce
It is the responsibility of every individual in the business to;
- Perform his or her job in a safe manner
- Stop and seek guidance if he or she believes what they are doing is unsafe
- Intervene if they witness any unsafe act
- Comply with all health and safety requirements
- Understand their importance on health and safety at the workplace and make safety personal to help create a Zero Harm culture.